Thursday, June 24

Last week in Laos for now...

Again, said goodbye to some wonderful people. What makes it harder is knowing that I'll most likely never see them again. We shared laughs and with some, even tears, and now these are only memories of the past.

Group II, another week at Elephant Camp. Since there's not much to do but be in the jungle with elephants, I think students get really close with one another. I was nervous that in this digital age, kids would be more socially awkward but I was wrong, or at least for these kids. For most, this was their first time travelling on their own; and for some, their first time ever leaving the country. I can't think of a better form of education but to see the world with your own set of eyes.

We all become a big family with the few Laos cooks and guides at the camp. It all comes together when we go camping into the deep jungles with all of them and the elephants and their mahouts for one night. While Laos men cut bamboo, creating all sorts of useful artifacts like cups, spoons, containers to make sticky rice, etc... the women cook delicious meals made with picked curry leaves, banana leaves, bamboo, etc...

I'm now staying in a bamboo hut facing the Mekong River. I get 1 full day to chill out before my next project. I'm going to Vietnam! More details to come...

Thanks for looking!

~kisses from Laos~

Otra vez, tuve que despedirme de los estudiantes. Es dificil porque lo mas probable es que nunca mas nos volvamos a ver. Compartimos risas y hasta con algunos, lagrimas. Y ahora esto es nada mas que recuerdos del pasado.

Grupo II, otra semana en el Campo de Elefantes. Como no hay mucho para hacer mas que estar en la jungla con elefantes, los estudiantes se hicieron muy buenos amigos. La verdad es que estaba un poco preocupada de que en esta era digital en que vivimos, los chicos serian medio aparatos, pero estaba muy equivocada. Por lo menos con estos chicos. Para la mayoria, esta seria su primera experiencia viajando por si mismo, y para otros, esta seria su primera vez viajando al extranjero. Estoy segura que no hay mejor forma de educarse mas que ver el mundo con sus propios ojos.

Ahora estoy en un tipo cabana de bamboo que da al Rio Mekong. Tengo un dia entero de descanso antes que empieze mi proximo projecto. Me voy a Vietnam! Detalles mas adelante.

Los quiero mucho!

~Besos desde Laos~

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